AOL Travel Covers The 29 Days Until 29 Journey

Late Monday night, while I was walking from downtown Portland, ME to the Portland airport I received a phone call from a writer who works for AOL Travel.  Her editor had heard about my story and she wanted to ask me some questions, etc… I had NO idea that it would turn into a 1,300+ word feature article on the front page of!!!  I think that it’s a great article that really captures the 29 Days journey and I hope that you enjoy reading it!  Click HERE to be directed to the AOL Travel site and the story.

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One Response to AOL Travel Covers The 29 Days Until 29 Journey

  1. Tammy says:

    I lost my dad to stage 4 lung cancer 4 and a half years ago. He did not suffer much and he went within 6 months so for him it was good. It was good for me to know he did not suffer from long term treatments that take away from the quality of your life. My dad opted out of chemo and radiation. He knew he could not beat the disease and he wanted his wife and his kids to remember him healthy and not sickly after he was gone.
    After he died I moved my whole life to the state that he was from so I could be closer to his family and so I could learn more about where I came from. I have done a lot of soul searching and it took me 3 years to finally get up the nerve to take his number off of my cell phone. I waited for that long to hear my ohone ring and look down and see the word dad on the caller ID. I can feel him with me sometimes…when I am doing something I know he would have loved. I feel him with me. I know he is watching out over me…telling me to keep them guessing.
    So, I think what you have done is a wonderful tribute you your mom and yourself and you what your mom meant to you. Life is so full of the hurry up and go on with your life that people forget to stop and grieve and reflect and find out how to go on from here.
    Thatk you so much for the writings…I can feel my dad with me while I am reading them.

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